Our duty at Morton Freshman Center is to provide a safe, enriched, and positive environment for our students, staff and teachers. Meet the Morton Freshman Center Administration team that are here to provide the best education for your students.
Bachelors in Secondary Education, Spanish. Minor in Mathematics
Eric Ramirez
Karina Alvarez, Secretary 708-863-7900 x1124
I am a proud Morton East Graduate and super excited to be part of the Morton Family. I have worked at Morton as a teacher for five years and as Dean/Lead Dean for eight years before becoming an Assistant Principal at the Freshman Center. As an Assistant Principal, I strive to continue to set high expectations for our student body. I am excited to continue to enhance our supports and systems for our students to become productive members of society. I enjoy working with students and parents to obtain a common goal of our students succeeding. I am a firm believer that when schools and communities work together it sends the message that failure is not option.
Bienvenidos al Morton Freshman Center! Welcome to the Morton Freshman Center! My name is Jim Monaco, and I am the Assistant Principal of Student Services. After nineteen years in education, seven of which I have spent at Morton 201, I am so pleased to be working with the students and families at FC. I am here to make sure that all students feel safe, cared for, and learn to advocate for their needs in the classroom and in life. In my role, I work with school counselors, social workers, and psychologists through the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) process and BARR, which sets students up for success academically and behaviorally. Additionally, I am the school’s 504 coordinator and work with academic departments, including English, Freshman Edge, Health/PE, and Social Sciences. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!
My goal as the Dean of Students at the Morton Freshman Center is to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all students. As Dean of Students, I will collaborate with students, families, and the community to ensure all students succeed. Prior to becoming Dean of Students, I have worked at Morton East and Morton Freshman Center since 2009 as a math teacher, numeracy coach, club sponsor, and rugby coach.
Degrees and Certifications:
Eastern Illinois University, B.S. Mathematics and Computer Science
National Louis University, M.A.T. Secondary Education
Concordia University, M.A. Illinois Principal Preparation